Hello world!

Welcome to my website. This is more than the default first post that comes with a new website. This is my first post in an exciting new chapter of my life and career. For the first time, I am writing a blog post as an attorney in the State of California.

In my years of blog writing, I have always maintained a high level of professionalism. That hasn’t changed. I always make sure to check my facts and think twice before posting anything online. I have always been that way. But now, it’s different. Now, anything I write is held to a higher standard than anything I’ve written ever before.

I have taken an oath of professional responsibility and promised to demonstrate ethical behavior, which means I am now subject to legal liability for errors and omissions in my advice. I have also declared under penalty of perjury that I am a person of good moral character. Despite this, I will endeavor to continue writing in the future.

Some subjects I write about may be especially controversial, now that I am responsible for resolving some of today’s newest dilemmas. I will continue to remain as unbiased and impartial as possible, although I will always be a zealous advocate of my client’s interests.

I will strive to maintain the ideals I hold today throughout my career, despite upcoming challenges and distractions. I hope my enthusiasm for the law today remains with me for decades to come, and I hope that you continue to check back here for updates and developments in the law and my career.

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