Going dark (inactive) for a while

That’s right, I’m going inactive. My love for the law hasn’t changed, that’s for sure. I am still fascinated with the law, and love having the ability to make a real change in the world. I have just been fortunate enough to become involved in a technology startup in San Diego that seriously has the […]

Hello world!

Welcome to my website. This is more than the default first post that comes with a new website. This is my first post in an exciting new chapter of my life and career. For the first time, I am writing a blog post as an attorney in the State of California. In my years of […]

PROTECT IP, SOPA, Etc. Are Too Simple of Solutions To a Complex Problem

Last year I wrote about how PROTECT IP Act and similar legislation poses a major threat to the internet and attempts to solve a complex problem the wrong way. My thesis is below. While PROTECT IP addresses serious problems facing the modern internet, it violates due process, poses serious risks to the security and stability […]

Google’s Monopoly: The Sherman Act’s Inability to Protect Competition and Promote Advertiser and Publisher Rights in Internet Advertising

Google’s dominance in the search market has given them a monopoly over the Internet Advertising market. They have used that monopoly power to deny certain publisher and advertiser rights without consequence. Click here to read the full article (322 KB PDF, 32 pages) Update: Since writing this article, Google has released much of the information […]